12. Housing loan

12.1. Are you and your husband currently repaying any housing loans?

  1. Yes

  2. No —-> (Go to Credit cards and loans, excluding a housing loan)

12.1.1. How much is the total balance due on the housing loan(s) and the amount of loan(s) repaid during the past year (October 2019 – September 2020 )? (Renewed loans included.)

  1. Total balance due on the loan(s) ______0 ten thousand yen

2. Amount of loan(s) repaid in the past year ______0 ten thousand yen 0 We did not repay in the past year

12.1.2. Have you newly borrowed money during the past year (October 2019 – September 2020 )? (Included renewing a loan.)

  1. Yes —-> New balance due on the loan(s) ______0 ten thousand yen

  2. No

12.1.3. In the table below, please enter information about the housing loan(s) that you and your husband have. Choose code numbers from the code list below and enter them in the columns.

1. Purpose of borrowing
(enter any of the code numbers from 01 to 06)
2. Borrowed from
(enter any of the code numbers from 11 to 16)
  1. Total balance due on the loan(s)

  1. Amount of loan(s) repaid in the past year

_____ _____

_____ 0 ten thousand yen
_____ 0 ten thousand yen
0. We did not repay in the past year.

_____ _____

_____ 0 ten thousand yen
_____ 0 ten thousand yen
0. We did not repay in the past year.

_____ _____

_____ 0 ten thousand yen
_____ 0 ten thousand yen
0. We did not repay in the past year.

_____ _____

_____ 0 ten thousand yen
_____ 0 ten thousand yen
0. We did not repay in the past year.
Table 12.1 Code list

(1) Purpose of borrowing

(2) Borrowed from

01 To renew a loan
02 To purchase a lot
03 To purchase a house (with lot)
04 To build a house
05 To extend or rebuild a house
06 To purchase a second house
11 Financial institution such as a bank
12 Housing loan corporation or other public loan
(pension loan, asset-formation loan, public corporation
loan, municipal corporation loan, etc.)
13 Employee loan
14 My parent(s)
15 My husband’s parent(s)
16 Other

12.2. How do you and your husband feel the burden of your repayments?

  1. Burden is light.

  2. Burden is slightly heavy

  3. Burden is considerably heavy

  4. Burden is extremely heavy