17. About to get married

17.1. Do you want to get married (Legally)?

  1. I plan to get married soon —-> (Go to Q17.2)

  2. I want to get married as soon as I can —-> (Go to Q17.1.1, Q17.1.2)

  3. I want to but not right now —-> (Go to Q17.1.1, Q17.1.2)

  4. I don’t necessarily want to —-> (Go to Q17.1.3)

  5. I don’t want to get married —-> (Go to Q17.1.3)

17.1.1. When do you want to get married by?

about ____ years old

17.1.2. Why are you not married now?

(Circle up to three answers)

  1. Because I enjoy work and don’t care about getting married yet

  2. Because I enjoy studying and don’t care about getting married yet

  3. Because I am satisfied with my life now and don’t care about getting married yet

  4. I have things I want to do before getting married

  5. I haven’t met someone yet that I want to marry

  6. I have a boyfriend, but we are not yet ready to get married

  7. It’s difficult to find a partner that my parents will approve of

  8. Other (Please specify: _______________ )

17.1.3. Why do you not get married?

(Circle up to three answers)

  1. Because it will interfere with my career

  2. I don’t feel any need to get married because I am satisfied with my life now

  3. Life doesn’t always improve by getting married

  4. I don’t feel any need to get married because I’m financially independent

  5. There are few men that will treat me as an equal partner

  6. It‘s better to have relationships with men without being married

  7. I have no interest in being married

  8. I’m skeptical about the institution of marriage

  9. Other (Please specify: _______________ )

17.2. Have you done taken any of the following steps toward getting married in the past year (October 2015–September 2016)?

Pleas select all that apply.

  1. I was formally introduced to a prospective marriage partner by my family or relative

  2. I was formally introduced to a prospective marriage partner by my friend

  3. I asked my friend or relative to introduce me to someone

  4. I joined a marriage introduction club in the past year

  5. I have been in a marriage introduction club for more than a year

  6. I bought a marriage information magazine

  7. I talked with my boyfriend about getting married

  8. I got engaged

  9. Other (Please specify: _______________ )

  10. I did none of the above