5. Income management

5.1. Please answer the following questions about income management in your household.

[The phrase “hand over income” in some questions means “entrust with managing the income” and also implies “hand over the income as cash”.]

start point

Did you have any income in September this year?
a. No —->(Go to No income route.)
b. Yes —->(Go to have income route.)

“having no income” route

  1. Did your husband have any income in September this year?

a. No —->(Go to Household finances)
b. Yes
  1. Did your husband hand over all of his income to you?

a. No, only a part of it.
How much? ___ thousand yen
b. Yes —->(Go to 4.)
  1. Did you separate any money for yourself from it?

a. No —->(Go to Household finances)
b. Yes
How much? ___ thousand yen —->(Go to Household finances)
  1. Did you separate any money for yourself from it?

a. No —->(Go to 19.)
b. Yes
How much? ___ thousand yen —->(Go to 19.)

“having income” route

  1. Did you hand over your income to your husband?

a. No —->(Go to 8.)
b. Yes
  1. Did you hand over all your income to your husband?

a. No, only a part of it.
How much money did you keep under your management?
___ thousand yen —-> (Go to 19.)
b. Yes —->(Go to 7.)
  1. Did you receive any money for daily living expenses and spending money from it?

a. No —->(Go to 19.)
b. Yes
How much? ___ thousand yen
—->(Go to 19.)
  1. Did your husband have any income in September this year?

a. No —->(Go to 19.)
b. Yes
  1. Did your husband hand over his income to you?

a. No
b. Yes —->(Go to 12.)
10. How much were the living expenses (e.g., utilities and education expenses)
for all of your household members except your husband that your husband’s income paid for?
___ thousand yen
—->(Go to next question.)
11. How much were the living expenses (e.g., utilities and education expenses)
for all of your household members except you that your income paid for?
___ thousand yen
—->(Go to 19.)
  1. Did your husband hand over all his income to you?

a. No, only a part of it.
How much? ___ thousand yen
b. Yes —->(Go to 16.)
  1. Did you put your income and the money handed-over to you in a shared purse?

a. No —->(Go to 19.)
b. Yes
  1. Did you put all of the money into a shared purse?

a. No, only a part of it.
How much? ___ thousand yen —->(Go to 19.)
b. Yes
  1. Did you separate any money for yourself from a shared purse?

a. No —->(Go to 19.)
b. Yes
How much? ___ thousand yen —->(Go to 19.)
  1. Did you put your income and the money handed-over to you in a shared purse?

a. No —->(Go to 19.)
b. Yes
  1. Did you put all of the money into a shared purse?

a. No, only a part of it.
How much? ___ thousand yen —->(Go to 19.)
b. Yes
  1. Did you separate any money for yourself from a shared purse?

a. No —->(Go to 19.)
b. Yes
How much? ___ thousand yen —->(Go to 19.)
  1. How much was your husband’s spending money in September this year?

___ thousand yen —->(Go to Household finances)