17. Your child(ren)

[We would like to ask you about your thoughts on giving birth and on childcare. The questionnaire assumes a variety of cases and asks married women of all ages to respond. Please answer as far as you feel comfortable. Even if you have no children, please answer the questions.]

17.1. Do you want to have a child or another child?

  1. Yes, at any cost —-> (Go to Q17.1.3)

  2. Yes, with a condition(s) —-> (Go to Q17.1.1)

  3. No —-> (Go to Q17.1.2)

17.1.1. What is (are) the condition(s)?

Pleas select all that apply.

  1. To be able to pay our living expenses with a child or another child

  2. To have a larger house

  3. To be able to continue working after giving birth

  4. For my husband and other members of my household to help me with housekeeping and childcare

  5. To be able to use a childcare system such as a day nursery or a childcare professional

  6. Other (Please specify: ______________ )

 —-> (Go to Q17.1.3)

17.1.2. Why don’t you want to have a child or another child?

Pleas select all that apply.

  1. Because the burden of childcare and educational expenses will be heavy

  2. Because we will need to get a larger house

  3. Because I want to continue working

  4. Because I consider my own life as more important

  5. Because I consider mine and husband’s lives as more important

  6. Because I think it is not easy to bring up a child to be a full-fledged member of society

  7. Because I cannot expect that my husband will help me with childcare

  8. Because I am too weak physically to have a child

  9. Because I worry whether or not I will have a healthy child

  10. Because I don’t like children

  11. Because I am simply satisfied having my daughter

  12. Because I am simply satisfied having my son

  13. Because I am satisfied with having my children.

  14. For other reasons (Please specify: _____________ )

 —-> (Go to Q17.2)

17.1.3. How many more children do you want to have?

____ child(ren)

17.1.4. Which do you want to have, a boy or a girl?

  1. Boy

  2. Girl

17.1.5. Which of the following best describes your thoughts about childcare and work during the period when the child is still small?

(Circle only one.)

  1. Continuing to work while the child is small (Including when requesting childcare leave.)

  2. Not working while the child is small, and resuming full-time work when the child starts school.

  3. Not working while the child is small, and resuming part-time work when the child starts school.

  4. Not working while the child is small or resuming work afterwards

  5. Other (Please specify: _____________ )

[ For all respondents]

17.2. What level of education do you want your child(ren) to receive at minimum in the future?

(Choose code numbers from the code list below, and enter them in the columns.)

If you have a child(ren)

If you don’t have a child

First child

Second child


Third child


Fourth (or later) child


Table 17.1 Code list
1. Education in an established university
2. Education in any university, whatever the level
3. Education in a junior college
4. Education in a vocational school
5. Education in a senior-high school
6. Education wanted by my child(ren)
7. Completed school education and working
8. Other

17.3. Which of the following best describes who you think should be responsible for the cost of childcare and your child/(ren)’s education up to the time when of leaving high school? (Please choose one.)

  1. Parents are responsible for their child’s care and education so the parents should privately bear the cost

  2. Children will ultimately join the workforce and contribute to production so companies should bear a large part of childcare and education costs in the form of child allowance, etc.

  3. Children will support society in the future so society as a whole should bear childcare and education costs (from the public purse)

  4. Other (Please specify: _____________ )